Can CranioSacral Therapy Help Me with a Brain Tumor?
Yesterday I had the opportunity to work with a women recently diagnosed with a slow growing brain tumor. Doctors believe it has likely been there for decades. The tumor itself is encapsulated, meaning it does not have tentacles going off into other...
Emotions, Pain, and CranioSacral Therapy
"I can't believe what was revealed." stated a client after a session last week. "It's always good but this was very surprising. When I was coming in today I thought I didn't have much to work with. I am intrigued.'' For some clients, we often find in...
Summer Family Events – Are You Ready to Enjoy Them?
A client recently scheduled a series of session in preparation for her upcoming wedding. She was stressed about some of the present family dynamics and history and wanted to release as much baggage as she could before her special day. She also wanted to...
Changing Your Perspective
Do you find yourself getting stuck at times in negative thinking? Well I sure do. As my nest has become empty I have found myself a bit melancholy. Even with this beautiful healing practice I have, no longer having kids in the house has me wondering...
To explore how CranioSacral can support you in moving from pain and stress to wholeness and harmony, call today for a complimentary phone consultation or to set up an appointment.
Gently Transform Your Pain and Stress, Move into a Greater Sense of Wholeness & Harmony
©2024 Moving in Harmony Craniosacral Therapy, LLC